Is your time management technique working against you?
There are so many time management techniques that it gets challenging to choose the best for us. We then place our bet on the most popular or trending method that everyone talks about.
What we expect: The chosen technique solves our struggle with time. We feel more productive, and managing work gets easy.
What actually happens: Over time, we feel the technique is consuming more time than saving. It requires a lot of additional planning and getting difficult to follow.
Not that this happens with everyone, but when we follow what others are doing, there are high chances of an expectation gap.
It did happen to me. Did it ever occur to you?
Is the technique wrong or your choice?
I say your choice is wrong.
If you are not good with planning and organization, going with the Getting Things Done (GTD) technique is the wrong choice.
If you are a procrastinator and cannot make long-term goals, then going with Eat That Frog technique may work wonders for you!
The point I am trying to make here is that any technique you choose should empower rather than block you.
How to identify which is the best technique?
Follow this very simple 3-step process:
- Define your working style. Are you a planner, long-term thinker, focused worker, firefighter, short-goals, daily worker, etc.?
- Identify your blockers. What issue are you facing, and what do you think can improve the existing routine? For example: — you have multiple projects to work on, but there are random distractions from either project, which wastes your time in to-and-fro. Or, you find it difficult to focus on important work. Or do you struggle with decision-making and deciding what is important for you?
- Match the following. Is the technique addressing your blockers? Are you willing to put in the required effort? What core purpose does the technique resolve?
These three steps will certainly help you identify your best matching time management technique that makes a difference in your routine, productivity, and overall performance.
Here are a few popular and proven time management techniques cards to play around with. Read more about how each of these techniques works in detail here.
Choose this technique if you:
- Struggle with procrastination
- Overwhelmed with the long to-do list
- Lack of consistency in keeping up with any productivity techniques
- Do a lot of work but still cannot make enough progress
Choose this technique if you:
- Cannot prioritize your work and keep juggling with random tasks
- Want to practice delegation
- Cannot say No
Choose this technique if you:
- Struggle with constant distractions
- Want to practice deep work
Choose this technique if you:
- Keep forgetting small details.
- Have many tasks on your plate, and you need help to focus on one task at a time.
- Need help in finishing the work.
- Feel overwhelmed
Choose this technique if you:
- Juggle with multiple responsibilities/projects (Jack Dorsey uses this technique)
- A lot of your time goes into meetings
- Face constant distractions
Choose this technique if you:
- Want to understand the dynamics of your work. What is useful to you and what is not.
- Lose track of time quickly and put in extra hours every day or consistently.
- Love creative thinking.
- Prioritize your tasks.
Read about all these techniques in detail here.
Being able to master your time will not only make you productive or create room for more work, but it will also make you realize how you can do a bit of everything in your life — by finding the right balance.