This C.S. Lewis Quote Changed My Relationship with Success
All get what they want; they do not always like it. — C.S. Lewis
Isn’t this quote very accurate?
Two years back, I had it all. An expensive suit, luxury vacations, and a good paycheck. I was living the dream, right?
Except, as it turns out, it wasn’t my dream.
I spent years chasing what I believed was a success — a good corporate job, good money, prestige, and promotions.
But as I started climbing the ladder, I realized I didn’t like it; my calling was different. I got exactly what I thought I wanted, but it wasn’t fulfilling. I kept thinking about doing something on my own, and I realized that passion was missing from my work.
So I took a step back, hit reset, and left the corporate grind to pursue what truly made me happy — blogging, tech, creativity, freedom, and time for what mattered.
And guess what? I really like it despite my paycheck being small. This work never bores me!
Sometimes, we chase what we think we want, only to realize it’s not really what we need.
Success is personal, not a checklist.
But why does this gap exist?
Why do we often pursue something only to realize it’s not what we really want?
From a young age, we are told that success looks a certain way: wealth, status, or a prestigious career. We see it in movies, on social media, and in the stories of others. However, we are not told that this blueprint does not work for everyone. Personal fulfillment comes from within.
In the age of Instagram and LinkedIn, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Everyone seems to have it all: the perfect career, the perfect life, the perfect vacation. And so, we chase after what they have, thinking it will bring us the same joy. The problem?
We see someone else’s success and assume it’ll fill our void. But when we get there, it doesn’t feel as great as we imagined.
The problem is, we often get so focused on the next big thing that we forget to ask ourselves, Why do I want this?
We think the next goal will bring us happiness, but when we reach it, we realize it is just another milestone in an endless race. And with each new goal, the sense of fulfillment gets more and more elusive.
This can be the hardest part. Sometimes, we want things because we believe they’ll validate us in the eyes of others. But being truly honest with ourselves about what we want — and what will make us happy — can lead to the most genuine form of success.
Slow down, align your goals with your true desires, and embrace the journey to bridge that gap and discover truly fulfilling success.
As C.S. Lewis reminds us, getting what we want doesn’t always guarantee we’ll like it, but knowing what we truly want can make all the difference.
Discover more powerful quotes and their deep insights on my blog here.
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